DANEIROS TRADING, INC. Established in 2012, is a family-built corporation that engages in the business of trading in wholesale and retail products such as consumer durables, household ware or appliances, industrial products and cleaning products. 
Aiming to become one of the leading house of brands distributing in the country with it's wide array of different products, Daneiros identifies itself as versatile and dynamic just like the Renaissance painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, Leonardo Da Vinci. 
Daneiros has always been proud of it's wide variety of products and the corporation being family-owned. I wanted to incorporate both concepts of Leonardo Da Vinci's signature knot and the corporation being family-owned. The knots symbolizing corporation between four siblings (whose names of which all start with a letter 'D'), and its house of brands. 
A logo pattern with the knots going on forever symbolizing a continuing family tree and cooperation.
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